35 Under 35: Lexi Stofferahn, HR Manager, PKG Contracting, Inc.

Written by: Brady Drake

Tell us about yourself. Tell us who you are and what you do.

I am a Fargo native and graduated from the University of North Dakota in 2017. I work as a human resources manager at PKG Contracting, where I stay busy making sure The Office drama stays on the TV show instead of the workplace. Before starting this position in 2021, I was working as an HR professional in Portland, OR while my husband Seth finished school. We both loved the Pacific Northwest, but we couldn’t resist moving back to Fargo and rejoining the community that we grew up in. We now enjoy traveling and going to the lake with our dog, Crackers.

Who are some people who have been influential in your journey and why? Who inspires you?

I consider my older sisters to be my biggest role models. They taught me to be true to myself and to never shy away from what I believe in. I firmly believe that growing up with them has made me a better and stronger woman. To this day, I am still constantly looking up to them, and that’s not just because they are both 5’10” and I’m 5’3″.

What drives you?

The future is extremely inspirational to me. It drives me to make my dreams a reality. I love constantly envisioning something in my mind and working towards it.

What are some important life lessons you have learned?

Don’t regret! You can’t change the past so there is no point in regretting decisions or paths you decided to take. Everything you do adds to your life experience, whether good or bad.

What are some of your favorite things to do in our community?

I enjoy visiting the Red River Market in the summer and fall. I also enjoy visiting local breweries.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

I’m not exactly sure where I will be in 10 years! I just hope that my family is healthy, and we still spend countless hours together. I hope my husband and I continue traveling all over the globe, and I hope Crackers (who would be 12 and a half) is still with us.

What are you hoping to gain from the United Way 35 Under 35 Women’s Leadership Program?

The skills and the knowledge gained through the 35 Under 35 Program are carried on and applied through work and personal lives, creating a domino effect throughout the community. I see this as an opportunity to be surrounded by powerful and accomplished women who can inspire and encourage me to be the absolute best I can be and who I can encourage back. This is an opportunity to create lifelong friends and professional connections. Personal and professional growth starts beyond one’s comfort zone and welcomes the challenge to become the best possible version of myself.

Tell us about 1-2 books, podcasts, or professional development experiences that have changed the way you view leadership.

“Dare to Lead” by Brené Brown taught me that leaders who are willing to be vulnerable and share their own struggles are more likely to build trust with their teams.

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Brady is the Editorial Director at Spotlight Media in Fargo, ND.