35 Under 35: Amanda Boe, Owner, Daymaker Nutrition

Written by: Brady Drake

Tell us about yourself. Tell us who you are and what you do.

I’m Amanda! I grew up in a small farming community two hours northwest of Fargo. In 2011, I moved to Fargo to attend NDSU and graduated with a degree in interior design in 2016. Aside from a short six months home after college, I have been in Fargo since and absolutely love the community! In my free time, I usually spend it at CrossFit Fargo, participating in church activities, and spending time with family and friends.

I currently own a nutrition club in West Fargo—I just hit year four this January! I’ve learned so much about being self-employed throughout the last six years of my life, the biggest being that comfort kills growth and relationships are everything. While the last six years of being self-employed have been anything but easy, I wouldn’t trade any of them for not having experienced it.

Who are some people who have been influential in your journey and why? Who inspires you?

The most influential people in my life have been those who have taken the time to pour into me whether it’s been at one of my previous jobs or church. They have led their own lives with such grace and vulnerability. In mentoring me, they taught me so much of their wisdom and knowledge. And lastly my family. I come from a family of hard-working entrepreneurs— they’ve modeled what hard work and determination look like.

What drives you?

Building community and relationships and the positive impact I can have on those communities and relationships. In being a part of these relationships and communities, my hope is that I have strengthened them by being a light to them. My goal is to bring a heart willing to serve and a sense of reliability, peace, love, patience, and joy to any community I am a part of.

What do you think can be improved in our business community?

Overall, I feel our community does a pretty good job of supporting local businesses. But as a small business owner myself, I have seen firsthand the challenges that have come since 2020. In a world where it can be easier to click a button online and order what you need from a large retail store, small businesses need the support more than ever.

What are some important life lessons you have learned?

Hard work and grit are a necessity in life, but they only come when we learn that rest is equally as important to be our best self.

And as Proverbs 16:9 reminds us, “In their hearts, humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.”

A person can make as many plans as they would like, but it is the Lord who ultimately decides what will happen. It requires humility and trust in a plan that is higher than ourselves. We are often reminded to be open to unforeseen circumstances and trust that the Lord is guiding us rather than solely relying on our own understanding. When we embrace that the Lord is ultimately in control, we can step into a mindset that allows us to be adaptable and resilient to face life’s uncertainties and to be open to redirection on our journey in this life.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

When I think about where I’ll be in 10 years, I see myself being filled with so much joy because I know I’ll be surrounded by people I love and people who love me. It won’t matter so much what “job” I am doing, but knowing that wherever I am, I am making an impact on those that are around me.

What are you hoping to gain from the United Way 35 Under 35 Women’s Leadership Program?

I hope to build and gain lifelong connections and utilize the skills I learn throughout this program to impact those who surround me.

What are your passions outside of work?

Faith, fitness, family, and friends. If it involves any of these, I’ll be happy!

Is there anything else you would like to share with the readers of Fargo INC?

Do the thing that scares you. It might just be the best experience of your life!

Tell us about 1-2 books, podcasts, or professional development experiences that have changed the way you view leadership.

“Not Safe” by Mark Batterson has challenged me to realize that there is something so thrilling about Jesus and the calling He has for your life. Often times that calling is going to bring you out of areas of comfort and challenge you to embrace His dangerous plan for your life.

I’ve listened to the “Ed Mylett Podcast” podcast for a few years now and have loved the diversity of guests he has on this podcast. They bring so many different areas of knowledge and Ed leads the conversations with those he interviews in such an interesting way.

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Brady is the Editorial Director at Spotlight Media in Fargo, ND.