35 Under 35: Alana Bonacorsi, Training Coordinator, META

Written by: Brady Drake

Tell us about yourself. Tell us who you are and what you do.

I grew up in North Fargo and moved to Palm Desert, CA, when I was 17. I spent the last 15 years exploring different places I called home but ultimately found myself back in Fargo after the birth of my daughter. I am a mother, wife, daughter, sister, and friend. I am a full-time remote employee with Meta and a part-time student at Minnesota State. I like to stay busy and try every day I wake up and live with intention. I prioritize being a present mother in addition to being a supportive daughter, and a dedicated and loyal employee.

Who are some people who have been influential in your journey and why? Who inspires you?

I come from a big loving family and have always been fortunate enough to be surrounded by strong women my whole life. The strongest of whom is my big sister, Katie Fugle. My sister is the definition of strength and resilience. The way she perseveres inspires me to keep reaching within myself to embrace and share my strength. Nobody has ever believed in me more authentically or loved me so selflessly. I wouldn’t be the woman or mother I am today without her love and support. As a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (LPCC), she opens her heart daily to children who are a little lost. Some of these children don’t have a lot of adults they can trust and she provides them a safe space. She continues to do what she did for me for children in the community. Because of her, so many lives will be changed for the better.

What drives you?

I am driven to break generational trauma. I believe if I live my most authentic life with a pure heart, I can make a positive impact on the world. There is nothing more motivating to me than being better than I was yesterday. You could call this drive a little healthy competition with myself.

What do you think can be improved in our business community?

Promoting more hybrid/remote work options for employees. Having the ability to be a mom first and an employee second has been the biggest blessing for my family. I never have to miss drop off or pick up and am always available when my daughter is sick or if my dad needs help. Because I am granted the autonomy to do so through my employer, I am more loyal and driven to show up my best at work.

What are some important life lessons you have learned?

The biggest lesson I have learned thus far is to have the courage to be disliked. It’s truly not about where you are, it’s about who you’re with. It’s about quality over quantity in every sense whether it’s friends, furniture, clothes, trips, groceries, take-out, etc. People are investments and a reflection of you. If you’re going to work on anything, work on self-confidence, it gets you further than you think. If you don’t believe in you—why would anyone else? And lastly, the power of being kind. Just be a good person, acquire some emotional intelligence, be aware of the impact you have on others, and try to be a positive energy. It’s okay to give up or quit something that is breaking you, but never give up on yourself.

What are some of your favorite things to do in our community?

I love trying local establishments and am specifically a sucker for clothing boutiques, coffee shops, and local gyms.

What are you hoping to gain from the United Way 35 Under 35 Women’s Leadership Program?

The confidence to be the leader I am capable of being, build relationships and make connections, and find the courage and strength to be my most authentic self.

What are your passions outside of work?

Outside of work my passions are my family, self-care, reformer pilates, reading, learning, eating, my dogs, and self-improvement. I spend a lot of time learning about mental health and trying to understand people better through the lens of psychology.

Tell us about 1-2 books, podcasts, or professional development experiences that have changed the way you view leadership.

“The Mel Robbins Podcast” but also her Instagram, Threads, TikTok, etc. anything you can find! This woman is the absolute boss and is a woman’s woman, reminding me daily to GET. AFTER. IT! Everything you want is right there inside you. Mel will talk about a spectrum of things from self-improvement, professional development, mental health, relationships, habits, wealth, etc. When I listen to Mel, I immediately want to take action whether it’s my to-do list for the day or taking initiative on that next project.

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Brady is the Editorial Director at Spotlight Media in Fargo, ND.