Sales Intelligence: 5 Problems That Marketing and Sales Alignment Can Solve

Written by: Shawn Peterson

What does marketing and sales alignment really mean for you and your organization? Achieving alignment means that both teams are working together towards the same goal and that they are using the same strategy and tactics. This can be difficult to achieve because the two teams often have different goals and objectives.


The goal of the sales team is to close deals and earn revenue for the company. The marketing team’s goal is to generate leads and create awareness for the company’s products or services. These two goals are not always aligned because the sales team may be more focused on short-term results, while the marketing team is more focused on long-term brand building. The sales process can be compartmentalized into different stages, from prospecting to closing. Meanwhile, marketing has its own distinct strategies for creating awareness, generating leads and nurturing relationships. If these two departments are not in sync, it can lead to confusion and inefficiency. For example, if marketing is generating a lot of high-quality leads but sales isn’t following up, those leads will eventually go cold. Similarly, if sales is closing deals but marketing isn’t generating enough new leads, the pipeline will eventually run dry.

To achieve alignment, the two teams need to come together and agree on a common goal. Once they have done that, they can develop a joint plan of action that will help them achieve that goal.

It is easier to achieve alignment between the sales and marketing teams when they are using the same tools and systems. This includes everything from customer relationship management (CRM) software to marketing automation platforms. If both teams are using the same tools, they will be able to work more efficiently and effectively towards their shared goal. Additionally, it will be easier for them to track their progress and measure their success.

Alignment between the sales and marketing teams requires open communication. This means that both teams should meet regularly to discuss their progress, share ideas and give feedback. Additionally, it’s important to have a clear line of communication between the two teams so that any issues can be quickly resolved. By communicating openly and frequently, the sales and marketing teams can work together more effectively toward their shared goal. When sales and marketing are working together harmoniously it’s a thing of beauty. Each team understands the other’s goals and works cohesively to improve results. No longer is there the finger-pointing and blame game when things go wrong. Instead, each team supports the other to find the best solution possible.

Here are five ways that aligning your sales and marketing efforts can solve problems and improve your business


Problem: Your sales team lacks direction on whom to target and when.

Solved: Working together, sales and marketing can develop pipeline metrics that provide insights into when prospects are engaging with your content, social media and website. This generates a list of warm leads for your sales team, saving time and effort. By understanding when prospects are most active, you can tailor your content and messages to better engage them at key points in their buyer’s journey. Additionally, you can use this data to score leads and prioritize follow-up by your sales team. By aligning sales and marketing efforts around pipeline metrics, you can create a more efficient process for generating and converting leads into customers.


Problem: Your sales and marketing teams send mixed messaging to your prospects and customers leading to confusion and leaving a poor first impression of your brand.

Solved: By working together on a regular basis, sales and marketing can make sure that the same message is being communicated across channels to prospects and customers. When both teams understand the customer’s needs, they can work together to provide a better overall experience. There is no longer the risk of one team dropping the ball and leaving the customer frustrated. Instead, both teams are focused on meeting the customer’s needs and exceeding their expectations. This alignment will lead to a more cohesive customer journey and ultimately result in more conversions.


Problem: It is difficult to track the return on investment (ROI) of your marketing campaigns.

Solved: Measuring the ROI of marketing campaigns is essential for any business that wants to allocate its resources efficiently. By aligning sales and marketing, you can create measurable objectives for each campaign and track leads through the sales cycle. This allows you to adjust your marketing strategy as needed to get the best ROI possible. Not only does this improve the efficiency of marketing campaigns, but it also allows you to make better-informed decisions about your overall marketing strategy. As a result, you are likely to see a significant improvement in your ROI.


Problem: Lack of alignment between these two teams has resulted in silos within your organization and information is not shared freely between the departments. This has led to inefficiencies and duplicate work.

Solved: By fostering a culture of communication and collaboration, you can break down silos and improve information sharing. Creating common goals and objectives is a good first step and provides everyone with a clear focus and something to strive for. Encouraging regular communication between the two teams and implementing feedback loops so that information can flow freely between the two departments will also help to keep everyone on the same page. Taking these steps, you can improve communication and collaboration between sales and marketing, leading to more efficient workflows and better results. When everyone is working towards the same goal, there is no wasted time or effort. Both teams know what needs to be done and they work together to get it done quickly and efficiently.


Problem: It is difficult to plan for the future growth of your business.

Solved: By working together on long-term plans, you can set realistic targets for both marketing and sales departments and allocate resources accordingly. This ensures that everyone is working towards the same goal and that your business can grow sustainably over time. When everyone is aligned, it becomes easier to measure success and identify areas for improvement. As a result, you can make course corrections as needed and continue growing your business without hitches or roadblocks.

In summary, well-aligned marketing and sales teams can build a strong footing upon which future success can be built. By solving common problems, you can improve the efficiency of your team, better serve your customers, set the stage for expanding into new markets and products and firmly establish the foundation for future growth.

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